Since I was heavily involved in the field of optical character recognition (OCR) a few years ago, I also have a fairly extensive collection of font samples. Since I am no longer working on that topic, I would like to offer this collection as a resource for further developments. Typographically interesting individual items can also be added. Many of the patterns shown are now also available elsewhere on the Internet, sometimes even as font files.

It’s the purpose of this blog to provide high-quality digital copies for further processing. Therefore, all content is provided under a Creative Commons license (attribution - sharing alike).


Tags with less then three occurrences aren’t shown.


This page was generated with [Hugo] (

The theme is inspired by the Tumblr theme Paper Stacks, Inconsolata is used as font.

The following JavaScript and CSS frameworks are used:

The post-processing of the digitized images was carried out with ScanTailor Advanced.

OpenLayers is used to display the high resolution images. The tiles were generated with libvips.

The site is hosted by GitHub.

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The privacy policy is available here.


“Schriftmuster” is a project by Christian Mahnke.

Contact is possible via E-Mail.